Lower Fuel Costs with VoIP Technology

With record oil costs and summer right around the corner the cost of gasoline is not going to be coming down any time soon. Business are being hit by the record high costs while trying to remain competitive and not passing costs on their customers.
VoIP Technology is an excellent way to fight back at the pump and an excellent investment for your economy stimulus check.

How can VoIP technology reduce your fuel costs? Start by working at home one or more days a week. Let’s face it, many employees can do the same work from home as they can at the office. If your work is done on the phone or from the PC you are a prime candidate to work from home. Working from home can greatly reduce your fuel costs. . At Telcom & Data at least half of our employees work from and it works out great. The company benefits from less wear and tear on personal and company vehicles, parking costs, and less fuel consumption. Combine savings with more family time for employees and you have a win, win, win scenario.

“My Phone System Doesn’t Support VoIP.”

Yes it does. In fact we can bolt on VoIP to ANY phone system no matter the age or manufacturer. MultiTech a manufacturer of modems also provides VoIP gateways that can connect VoIP extensions to your existing phone system through either spare analog or spare trunk ports. Of course with any VoIP solution, telecommuters will still need high speed internet access from home. But connectivity is easy and cheap. The cost for a single telecommuter or remote office is only a few hundred dollars.

The best reason to offer telecommuting is to attract and retain talent. Ask any employee what's important to them and the answer will be family. Telecommuting allows employees to spend more time with the family. Spending more family time provides employees with a better and less stressed life style. A happy employee is going to stay longer and be more productive. Offering telecommuting even on a part time basis can have a huge impact.

For More information on reducing your fuel costs call Telcom & Data at 800-335-0229

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